
Thursday, April 8, 2010


Mikey and I spent all night working in the garage getting ready for the garage sale this weekend (starting tomorrow at noon) while there was a snow storm happening outside! Crazy strong winds, and lots of sticky snow! (Boo!!)

The new patio furniture that we put out was completely covered in snow, and then as it got later in the evening, all the snow started to freeze - the roads are going to be horrible!

It was really something watching the snow "fog" roll in from the west over the hills behind our house, like a blanket of white! The winds were so strong, that I was also a bit worried that another tree might snap.

After a while spent in the garage, we took a break to get a drink and take the dog out for a pee, and the sky was bright pink and purple! It was amazing! I ran out to the back of the yard, and took a few pics quickly before my camera died! Kinda hard to believe that this is the exact same spot as the pic above, and just a few hours later!

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