
Thursday, July 29, 2010

I can't believe it's almost August!

This last month has gone by so incredibly fast! It seems that almost everyday I can go out into the garden and find something new that has bloomed, even my house plants are doing their growth spurt right now! Its such an amazing feeling to see the life around me grow and change, even the kitten I got is getting huge! ... I guess I forgot to tell you, I've been so caught up in the garden!

Mikey and I got a kitten from a friend. We named her Frankie! She's only 2-3 months old! We think she is a Himalayan or Rag doll. Shes very active, and likes to hang out with the dog. In the mornings she likes to cuddle up around your neck. Then when my other cat is around, she wants to play, but my cat isn't very appreciative of the new kitten, so she normally hides or goes outside.

There have been a lot of amazing things blooming in the garden this month, here is a taste:

These are just a few, there are a lot more on the Rustic Gardens Facebook Page!
I also picked a few veggies to see how far along they had come... so far I have baby carrots, baby beets, medium rutabagas, and large radishes! Sounds like a yummy salad to me! OH and Raspberries!

AND.... I have a little tomato that is finally starting to grow! Its a "Lemon Boy". It will be a yellow slicing tomato!

This weekend we have a wedding to go to, and we have family to visit. Then, July will be gone forever, until next year!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mad Men

Hello, just a quick favour to ask of you... My good friend Chantel is trying to win a guest spot on the TV series, Mad Men. Click on her picture below to take you to the link to vote for her. You can vote every day until Sept 10!

Good luck Chantel!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

What's for dinner?

Yesterday I made a quiche! I've only ever made small ones - tart sized. This time, I made my very first family sized quiche - 2 of them actually! I got the inspiration from one of my favorite food websites HERE. I think that everyone should know about this site. It's awesome, and always inspires me to try something new!!

I've never made pie crust from scratch before, and to be honest- I was nervous... So I bought a brick of pastry lard (that sounds gross... shortening in other words) and just followed the recipe on the back. It was actually really easy - even Mikey helped me! I made my crust the night before so that I could refrigerated it over night, and roll it the next day before dinner. The pastry recipe made enough for two quiches, and I added local bacon, mushrooms, cheese, and humongous green onions from the garden!

I'm so impressed with myself, because not only did I make a quiche (two) but it tasted SO GOOD!!! One is already gone! I had a little bit of dough left over from cutting the crust, so I rolled it out and cut it into 4 equal pieces. I put them into these little mini dishes I have, and lightly filled them with some raspberries I picked from the garden earlier in the day, some frozen blueberries, a drizzle of real maple syrup, a teaspoon of local honey, and a pinch of light brown sugar! Mmmm, they were REALLY good! I didnt know if i was going to get a picture, cause I just wanted to gobble it down!

Friday, July 23, 2010


Happy Friday everyone! Although I work this weekend, it doesnt mean I cant have a good time! As Liam says:

"Come on everybody the night is young
There's too much that hasn't been done
If you haven't got it get you some
Life's too short to not have fun"

Thursday, July 22, 2010

An introduction to skin care, Step Nine & Ten

There are only 2 more steps, so I might as well just get them done and over with!! Then I can get on with other posts!

Step Nine: Protection - This is the secret to eternal young looking skin...

When you think about it, a sunburn is just that - a burn. The sun literally burns our skin - sometimes to a crisp - and it dries up the moisture in our skin, and destroys its cellular makeup. To put it simply, Sunblock (Protection) is EVERYTHING!! I briefly mentioned this in the introduction, but now I will elaborate!

Did you know that sun exposure is the #1 cause of skin cancer, and premature aging? Here are some numbers to put it into perspective: On average, 90% of wrinkles are from external factors, such as sun exposure. The other 10% are from the natural aging process. That is a HUGE difference!

Need a mental picture? Just think about what happens to a grape when it is left out in the sun. Eventually, it will turn into a raisin! The same can be said for our skin. It's not unusual for an 80 year old woman to have the smooth unblemished shoulders of a 30 something. Its proof that skin protected from the sun ages more gracefully.

The purpose of sunblock is to protect your skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays, so when you're selecting a sunblock, be sure that it is broad spectrum - meaning that it will block both UVA and UVB rays. Both rays damage the skin in different ways. A simple way to remember what each ray does is: UVA = Aging, and UVB = Burning.

An SPF number indicates the degree of exposure allowed in the sun before the skin starts to burn. For example: SPF 15 means that you can be out in the sun 15 times longer than without any protection at all - It does not however, mean 15 minutes. Check your local UV index for the time allowed in the sun before you will burn. If the index says 10 minutes, this SPF will allow you to stay in the sun 15 times longer, which is 2 and a half hours before you'll need to re-apply.

A higher SPF or recreational sunblock is recommended for extended exposure, sports, swimming, and other outdoor activities (gardening?!?), because they have been designed to be more sweat, water and rub proof. Also keep in mind that you are not completely protected from UV rays behind glass, even if they have a coating - its still only a percentage. In regards to skincare, you can easily mix a small amount of sunblock into your daily moisturizer, some even have an SPF of 15-30 already added to them. These are usually designed to absorb quickly into the skin, allowing you to wear your makeup without a greasy feel.

Step Ten: Health - aka Diet, Exercise, and Well-being.

Lets get real, skin products are not going to save your skin alone. There are other very important elements to achieve a healthy complexion such as a healthy, well balanced diet, adequate water intake, regular exercise, and sufficient rest. Remember, beauty starts on the inside! Underlying health issues, a change in hormones, and negative lifestyle choices can also affect your skin. Overall, if you feel you have tried everything, and take good care of your self and your skin, but still have trouble with keeping your complexion at its best, it may be in your best interest to consult a professional.

I truly hope this information has helped anyone experiencing problems with their skin, and I would love to hear your feedback. If you have some questions, please ask, and I will try my darnedest to answer!!

Final Overview:

-Everyday, you should be Cleansing, Toning, and Moisturizing the eyes, and face (in that order), once in the morning, and once before bed. This is the BARE MINIMUM!

-Once to twice a week, you should use an Exfoliant or Scrub after cleansing, and a Mask before moisturizing.

- Whenever its comfortable with you, Extractions will help quickly get rid of pimples and blackheads. Be sure to tone or cleanse afterwards to reduce clogging other pores.

- Depending on the application, a Serum or Complex can be used daily, or once a week as a deep moisturizing treatment, usually before or with your moisturizer.

- Don't forget about your Luscious Lips! Try to find a lip friendly scrub to use once a week, and a good lip balm keeps lips looking smooth and supple all day!

For a list of all my skin care blogs - including this one - click here!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My crazy neighbor...

Back in April, I wrote a blog about how I met one of my new neighbors, and how they threatened to shoot my dog. Now that I have lived and worked in town for a while, I have heard other things about this man to solidify my original suspicions that this man is crazy. Here is my own personal example:

After the incident with the dog, I called the Police the next day and advised them about what had happened. I told the Officer everything that happened, and it was all the truth. She said that I had 2 options at that point. That I could charge the man with uttering threats, or I could allow her to give him a call, and find out his side of the story. Because we were so new to town, I didn't want to stir things up too much, and allowed the Officer to give him a call, and find out what he has to say. When she called me back, I was a bit surprised to hear that he stated that he was terrified of dogs. I mean, if its true, then fine. But it didn't seem right to me. The officer also told me that she advised him that he cant make threats or else he could be charged, and reminded him that if he sees an animal in his yard, to call animal control.

Now, it has been a while since this has happened, and I haven't seen him for a couple months. Just recently however, I have seen him out and about, tending to his yard work, and whatnot - but only because I walk to work, and have to walk past his house - although I do cross the street. Normally I see him with his leaf blower, blowing the dirt and gravel off of the road in front of his house... Why? Who knows! (He's crazy, remember?)

Today I work a closing shift at work so I dont leave until the afternoon for work, and during the day, I like to tie the dog up outside so he can have some fresh air, and chew on his bone. Around 10:30 this morning, the dog started barking like crazy, and normally, when someone pulls into the driveway, the dog barks like crazy... So I went to go see who was here - but no one was. I walked outside, and all I could hear was a weed eater... The crazy neighbor was whacking my weeds!

Mikey just finished cutting the lawn the other day, and here is the crazy neighbor cutting the strip of grass between the lawn and the curb... The dog is going crazy!! Then I hear the weed eater die off, and the crazy neighbor is actually barking back at my dog! (yeah, I'm so sure he's terrified, or else he wouldn't have come near my lawn knowing that we have a dog, and he definitely wouldn't be mocking or teasing it) He cant see me of course, because the front porch is secluded by the large tree out front, but I can see him. (I should have taken a picture... shoot!)

I really wanted to walk over to him and tell him to get the Eff off of my property, but with a weed eater in hand - I'de rather keep my distance. he finally walked back, but came back once again with a lawn mower, to mow out the same edge. I don't know what he is trying to accomplish, but coming from him - I don't appreciate it. I don't know if I should call the police again, and ask the officer to give him a call and let him know that he shouldn't be on my property, or what.

What would you do?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Sketchbook Project!

A couple weeks ago, I was reading a blog about a sketchbook project, and it caught my interest right away! This has got to be one of the coolest things I have read about all year! If you enjoy drawing, sketching, or just want a project for the rest of the year, I suggest you check this out:

The Sketchbook Project: 2011

I ordered a sketchbook online, and got to choose a theme, and a cover colour. I actually decided to let them pick the theme for me - mine is "The view from up here". Then, it was mailed to me, and I received it today! I have until January to fill it up with drawings, doodles, and paintings, or anything that goes along with my theme. Of course the theme can be interpreted any way you wish.

Once its all filled up, I mail it back, and it becomes a part of a permanent art collection at an Art Library in Brooklyn. Before it finds a spot at its permanent residence, it goes on a tour across the USA so that visitors can view all the handmade sketchbooks. The coolest part is that the sketchbooks can be signed out just like library books, and every time yours is taken out, you get an email or text advising you so.

As I add to my sketch book, I will scan my pages and share them with you! I would advise you all to join this awesome art project, and also share your creative side with the world!

The Sketchbook Project: 2011

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Camping at Em-Te Town

After work on Friday, Mikey and I left to go camping at Em-Te Town in Alder Flats, about an hour away from Tomahawk. We found our campsite, and quickly began to set up our tent because there was a thunderstorm in the distance. The minute we got the fly onto the tent, the rain started to come down, and the thunder was right above us! It was so loud, even the dog seemed a little uneasy about the severity of the booms, and he normally doesn't get too frightened by it. After the tent was up and the bed was made, I decided it was time to feed the dog so that he could eat and relax...

"Where is the food? Mikey, did you grab the dog food? I thought I put it in a white plastic bag... OK you look for it in the car, I'll start the fire... Where is the bag with the utensils? The BBQ lighter is in it..."

Mikey had to drive back home to grab the dog food and the utensil bag... I stayed at the campsite with the dog, and just laid in the tent because it was still raining and I was soaking wet. I didn't have anything with me, no flashlight, no TP, nothing. not even a snack. Just a bin of misc supplies. I figured it was going to take Mikey at least two hours to go back home and then drive to the campsite again. I also didn't know what time it was, and what time Mikey had left. All I knew was that we arrived around 6pm.

Once the rain had eased up, I got out and looked around. I looked through the misc bin, and found a rain poncho - awesome! I took the dog for a quick walk, but not too far because everything was supper muddy. When I came back, I found a wind up radio in the bin, and tuned into an AM news station. I was able to get a weather report for the next day, and the time, it was 9:15pm. Right then, Mikey drove up, and to my surprise, brought over a huge grill top for the fireplace.

That was one thing that I was disappointed about when we first arrived. There was only a fire pit with a rock surround. No grill or grate over top - and thats how I cook when I camp. I don't have a propane grill or anything like that. So, Mikey had totally redeemed himself by finding this grill (which he spotted beside our garage at home... I'v never noticed it before!) So, we made some burgers, and relaxed before going to bed quite early. I was pooped.

There were outhouses only a few campsites over that were supplied with toilet paper after all - thank goodness! The next morning, I woke up before 6am, and I was able to see the sunrise, and the steam rise from the creek that we were so fortunate to camp right next to! I made bacon, eggs and toast on the fire, and watched a squirrel try to steal Colt's food.

Above, the sun shining through the trees and smoke from the fire. Below, Breakfast! Mmmmm.

After Breakfast, we checked out Em-Te Town, which was right behind us. All we had to do was follow a trial up a hill and through the bush, and we were in Em-Te town. The charge of the campsite included admission to the "town" so we didn't have to worry that we were sneaking in or anything. Right as we get to the top of the hill and get into "town", we found an outhouse with flushing toilets and hand sanitizer. This became the bathroom to go to whenever needed, instead of the outhouses in the campsite.

We walked around town, and saw some horses walking around free range, and visited the buildings, and sites. We also checked out the bar, restaurant, and gift shop. They had a wood shed, and you could buy wood bundles for $7, then they delivered it to your site while you hung out in town. There was happy hour at the bar, and the restaurant had dinner specials every night. We didn't eat or drink there because we brought everything we needed, but it was good to know that it was available, just in case we got rained out again, or even for next time we visit.

On one side of town, you can see the Motel, some cabins, and 2 teepee's - that you can actually rent out and stay in. There are a few open areas near the entrance for people with motor homes and campers as well. The campground itself is down a bit more, and right along the river. Mikey and I stopped at the gift shop, and got a snack, then went back to our campsite and made some lunch. Mmmm, tomato soup, and grilled cheese sandwiches made in out campfire pie makers. Mine turned out really good, but Mikey burnt his a bit...

Then we had a much needed nap, and walked around the campgrounds to check it out a bit more. There really aren't too many spots to camp, some spots were so small, that it was hard to imagine where you would even put your tent up! I would have to say that the campsite we got was the best one there! (#26 if you are so inclined) We were right beside the quiet part of the river - meaning the water wasn't rushing in a manor that it was making loud water noise - and we were very secluded. Even our car was a little walk away. You could easily set up 3 tents on our camp site. Not to mention the quick trail to the flushable toilets through the back of our site.

On our walk around, we found a little "beach" along the river. The dog liked jumping in after sticks and rocks that we were throwing in, but he never got them because the current would just sweep them away. Good thing he was tied up, or else the current would have just took him down stream! The river was lined with Alberta Roses, and the open areas had lots of little wild daisies. After hanging out at the beach for a while, we made some smokies, and green beans for dinner, and hung out by the fire until bed time. It was so beautiful, and really relaxing. I think we will definitely have to go back, and of course check out the bar and the restaurant for drinks and food.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


This weekend Mikey and I are going camping! (finally) We've decided to Check out Em-Te Town near Alder Flats - which also has a campground -Excellent! We wont be back until Sunday evening, but then I'll post lots of photos, and give a full review of our stay!

An introduction to skin care, Step Eight

Did you know... Properly moisturizing an oily skin type can actually reduce oil production! Using a moisturizer suited for you skin will actually help reduce the look of oily skin by creating a proper balance of oil (sebum) and natural moisture (water) in the skin.

By moisturizing your skin regularly (twice a day) you will help prevent fine lines and wrinkles, balance moisture, and reduce oil production. Some can even protect the skin during the day by including an SPF. Your skin renews 30% faster while asleep, so moisturizers with healing and renewing properties such as Vitamin E and Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA's), are suggested for night time use.

Oily/Combination: It is important to remember that oily skin needs moisturizing and hydrating products just as much as dry skin. Excess sebum (oil) does not replace moisture (water) loss. An oil free day cream, and healing gel moisturizer at night would be the best find for your kind of skin! You can even find some moisturizers with a matte finish to further reduce the look of a shiny face.

Normal/Sensitive/Reactive/Dry: Go for something Basic with overall hydration, and an SPF for your daytime moisturizer. Keep your eye out for a deep moisturizing night cream.

Mature: As aging occurs, dehydration increases. There are many different Vitamins and Nutrients that are great for maturing skin. Look for products that will lift, firm, promote cell renewal, and include and SPF.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

An introduction to skin care, Step Seven

We're on a roll now! Step Seven is a 2-for-1: Eye AND Lip treatments!

I just want to start out by explaining something first - If we were to compare the skin on our face to the skin on our body, it would be like comparing a paper bag to news paper. They are both made out of paper (skin), but the news paper (face) is more delicate than the bag (body). So... they are the same, yet they are completely different. Therefor, they have different needs. It defiantly makes more sense why it is so important to use a face soaps and creams on the face, and body wash and lotions only on the body.

Same goes for the skin around our eyes. Using the same comparison, the skin around our eyes is more like tissue paper - thin and delicate. That is why you need a proper moisturizer for the eye area, heavy enough to help diminish and prevent fine lines and wrinkles, with ingredients to help remove dark circles and puffiness, yet, not too heavy that it will clog the delicate pores around the eyes.

If you take a close look, you might notice little white bumps under your eyes, and sometimes even around the eyelids. These white bumps are called Millia, the result of product clogging the delicate pores. This can be from using your face cream too close to the eyes, or even forgetting to remove your makeup before you go to bed at night.

There are many different kinds of eye treatments, that can help decrease the look of fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles, and puffiness including creams, masks, pads, gels, and serums. You can easily find one to suit your needs, but always be sure to read the ingredients before purchasing. You don't want harsh chemicals that close to your eyes!

When applying your eye treatment of choice, you will only need a small bead of product on the tip of your ring or pinky finger - no larger than a small pea. Press the product onto your other pinky or ring finger, so that you have 2 fingers with an equal amount of product on them. Dab the product onto your skin, starting at the inner eye, and following the bone that circles around it. The movement of your eye will draw the product in towards the lids. You do not want to apply the product directly to the lids, because it may burn or irritate your eyes.

Like eye treatments, there are many different Lip treatments. Some are balms, ointments, masks, serums, and even scrubs! Although it may be obvious to most of us to wear lip protection in the winter so that our lips don't get chapped, it is equally important to wear lip protection in the sunny months as well. Lip products contain nourishing oils and ingredients such as SPF's which will keep them looking young and supple, all year long.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

An introduction to skin care, Step Six

Quick overview:

Step One - Cleansing, twice a day
Step Two - Exfoliating, once a week
Step Three - Extractions, as often as needed
Step Four - Toning, twice a day - after cleansing and extractions
Step Five - Serums/Complexes, once a day-week

And now.... Step Six - Masks, which you can use once a week.

There are so many different kinds of masks that you can choose from, that seem to all have different properties and help different symptoms. It can be fun to try different types like mud masks, gel masks, and peel off masks. When it comes down to choosing a mask, it is important to distinguish the consistency and read ingredient list in regards to your skin type. Some masks will allow you to treat the eye and lip area, and others recommend avoiding it. In any case, always be sure to read the directions.

Some other things to keep in mind about face masks is that what doesn't touch the face, doesn't treat the face. Don't waste product by applying a thick layer to your face if you dont need to. It is also important to keep your mask moist for the treatment duration (which will be stated in the directions). Once the mask dries, it is not active anymore. If you are having trouble with a quick drying mask, you can lightly spritz your face with warm water in a spray bottle. If you have a mask that needs to dry to remove it - like a peel off mask - keep it moist for the recommended wearing time, and then allow it to dry for removal.

Sensitive/Reactive - Gel masks offer a cool feeling which helps reduce redness and irritation. Many gel masks contain botanicals and other ingredients designed to calm and soothe skin (such as aloe). If you find a sensitive skin derived gel mask, you may also be able to use it closer to the eye and lip area, as an added hydration mask for fine lines and wrinkles.

Oily/Combination - Clay and mud masks are generally made to absorb excess oil, tighten and refine pores, and aid in the prevention of future clogging. The coolness of the mud or clay also helps reduce redness and inflammation from breakouts. Typically, these kinds of masks will be rich in beneficial ingredients, and are a first choice for oily and acneic skin.

If you skin has become extremely sensitive from a series of bad breakouts, you may also be able to find gel mask with antibacterial properties, which will help defeat bacteria in the skin, as well as sooth red and irritated breakouts.

Normal/Dry/Mature - Cream masks are rich in moisturizers, humectants, and vitamins which are fantastic for normal, dry, and maturing skin. Paraffin masks are also great for dry or maturing skin, because they promote deeper penetration of any product applied beneath them, such as a complex or serum... although the paraffin doesn't have any medicinal benefits itself.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

An introduction to skin care, Step Five

This time around, I am going to talk about serums and/or complexes. These items are truly customizable for your needs! Depending on the task at hand, they can be used as an everyday night time treatment, or as a once a week application. These products are very deep penetrating, and have a multitude of purposes.

The difference between a serum or complex in comparison to a cream moisturizer is where the products work. A serum or complex will penetrate deeper into the layers of skin, and works from the inside out. A cream moisturizer acts as an outside layer, and moisturizes from the outside in. (See why exfoliating is so important?)

A complex or serum can do many things for your skin, such as reduce redness and irritation, even help prevent fine lines and wrinkles. They also give your skin an extra boost in hydration, weather you apply it before your weekly mask, or mix it in with your night time moisturizer. They can also come in different textures, such as a light cream, oil, gel, or liquid.

With the versatility of these products, you can do a fine line a wrinkle treatment one night, and a deep moisturizing treatment later in the week - the possibilities are endless! No matter what kind you choose, your skin will always benefit from the deep moisturizing properties of these products.

Oily/Combination: Keep your eye out for clarifying serums. Use these when you are experiencing bad breakouts, because they will help reduce inflammation, refine pores, and curb oil production by keeping the skin hydrated.

Normal/Dry: Any normal to dry skin type will always benefit from the deep moisturizing of a serum or complex. Look for one specifically geared for a deep moisturize, and add some to your daily moisturizer.

Mature: Look for firming, lifting, and anti-aging complexes. They will help plump up fine lines, and preserve your skins condition.

Sensitive/Reactive: There are serums out there that are made to help alleviate redness, irritation, and help protect against toxins and harsh elements.

Need to catch up? Here are links to previous steps:

Sunday, July 4, 2010

An introduction to skin care, Step Four

Alright, toning... What is toning anyways? Why is this so important? Don't toners just burn your face and irritate it more? ... No! Toners are a vital step in your face care regimen - thats why it gets it's own "step"! Toners should NEVER burn your face! Sometimes called skin refiners, toners help cleanse the skin even further by removing unwanted minerals and impurities from water, leftover product like cleanser, even bacteria from extractions. Toners also restore the pH of your skin to a normal state, which actually helps minimize irritations. The pH of our skin is in a range between 5 and 6. When you compare that to distilled water - which has a pH of 7 - it's easy to see that toning your skin really does deserve it's own "step".

It is important to restore our skin to its natural pH because leaving it off balance can cause dehydration, and boost oil production. For example - when you shampoo your hair, do you condition it afterwards? Of course you do! Think of your cleanser as your shampoo, and your toner as your conditioner. It's products like these that work as a team, and should always be used one after another. Toners are normally ok for all skin types, usually with the exception of sensitive skin - sometimes you may be able to find a sensitive skin formula.

Toners should NOT contain alcohol, mineral oil, or SLS/SLES, among many other ingredients. Don't know what an ingredient is? Write it down and look it up - you should always feel confident about what you are putting on your skin. Need to catch up? Here are links to previous skin care steps:

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Welcome July!

July is finally here, and we had FROST the morning of Canada Day! My beans and corn got a little whithered, but all in all they seem to be OK. During the days, it gets hot and sunny, then come evening, the dark clouds roll in from the west, and we get some thunder and lightening, strong winds, and normally quite a bit of rain. I don't mind really, because it's watering the garden, and any flowers that get blow over, I cut and bring in the house. Currently, it seems the garden is blooming like crazy, and I have tons of photos of everything -but I'll just share the exciting ones! Earlier in the spring, I planted 5 bleeding heart roots, and 4 of them actually grew! This one is already putting out little blooms:

There are tons of peonies in the garden, and they are all different colours and sizes! Some are small and deep pink, or huge and light pink, and white! They are right next to the raspberry bushes and there isn't a whole lot of room to walk around them... so I would prefer to move them, if I can. I also have a friend that actually wants to take some for her garden, so I'll have to look up how to divide peonies. If its anything like rhubarb, I'm set!

My friend Kerri gave Mikey and I some cute house warming gifts last month, and these planters were some of them! They are so funny and adorable! I was trying to think of something I could plant in them that could double as a hair style! A week or so ago I found a zip-lock back downstairs that had some leftover cat grass in it from the winter, how perfect I thought! When the grass first started growing, it looked like they had buzz cuts, now they have nice flowing mops!

The Tiger Lilies have started to bloom too! They are a beautiful deep dark orange!! So vibrant, and beautiful, I love them! There are some more Lily plants around the yard that are also getting ready to bloom!

In the Greenhouse, the Tomatoes are starting to bloom as well, but some of the leaves are also starting to whither! One day when I was at work last week, it got quite hot out, and I wasn't here to open the door for some air ventilation! usually on a sunny day, temperature get to 40-50+ degrees Celsius! I do constantly have the fans going in there, but I guess it wasn't enough that day. Either way, they are still growing like crazy, and look like they are doing fantastic!

Well, that's all the really exciting stuff for me, I do have lots of more photos online... If these links don't work, please leave me a comment, and I'll see if I can make them work for you!

Friday, July 2, 2010

I made a treasury on Etsy!

I've always been waiting and waiting for a chance to make my own treasury on Etsy. Just recently they changed the entire layout and the "making" opportunity to allow more people to make them... What is a treasury you ask? Well, according to them:

"A treasury is Etsy's ever-changing, member-curated shopping gallery, where you (member) can create and share lists of items for sale by other Etsy members. Beautiful, diverse Treasury lists may be featured on Etsy's home page."

SO - I made one!!! Check it out, it's carnival themed!! Click --> HERE