
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

An introduction to skin care, Step Three

Extractions!! OK, some people Love this step, and others Hate it. This may be something that you want to skip altogether - which is a-ok with me, and it might be the best idea if you have super sensitive skin! Extractions can be done at anytime, but - there is a right and wrong way of doing them... And of course, it is completely up to you and your comfort level to determine how often you do them, and the amount of area you cover!

Extractions are a great way to help get rid of blackheads and pimples. Generally, extractions are easier on hydrated skin because it is more willing to release the excess oil. If you are finding the extraction process difficult, or that it hurts your skin - wait. Wait and concentrate on hydrating your skin more thoroughly. Make it a point to properly moisturize your face (twice a day) for a week, then try again.

Once your skin has reached proper hydration levels, you can apply a desincrustation solution which will liquefy sebum (oil) in your skin. Your own solution can be prepared by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with one cup of distilled water. Apply the solution to your face with a piece a cotton covering all of the oily areas and any place that is prone to breakouts. If you want, you can also steam your face with a hot cloth or a bowl of hot water for 3-5 minutes. This will help the solution dissipate into the skin by opening the pores.

Directions: Wash your hands, then wrap your fore fingers in tissue and gently apply pressure on either side of blackheads and open clogged pores, drawing out oil and debris. This can also be done with cotton swabs (Q-tips). Wipe away debris with a piece of clean cotton dipped in toner, making sure not to infect surrounding skin. For white heads, and other closed breakouts, you can use a lancet to carefully open the skin and draw out impurities.

*CAUTION* Always make sure your lancets are sterilized or brand new. By using a lancet to make a small hole, your skin is less likely to scar compared to bursting the skin open to remove impurities. Again, wipe the area clean with cotton and toner. You will want to make sure the face is clean after extractions so that the open pores are not infected.

If you are uncomfortable doing this yourself, you can go to a spa for a facial, and they can do the extractions for you. This normally includes a desincrustation formula application and warm steam before hand. They may also use an extraction tool - but I must warn you... it will be a bit more rough on you than you might be to yourself and will leave you with a red face, but the job will get done.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

An introduction to skin care, Step Two

Step two in your skin care regimen is my favorite, it's extremley satisfying and makes my skin feel very smooth! It's ... -drum roll please - ... EXFOLIATION!!!! Although you only need to exfoliate your skin once a week, it is such a crucial step that quite a lot of people leave out. When you neglect to exfoliate, dead skin cells can build up on your face, clog pores and cause breakouts. Your expensive and exotic skin care products will loose full penetration potential, and your skin tone can look a dull and sallow.

By dedicating one morning out of the week to exfoliating right after you cleanse, you are relieving the surface of your face of dead skin cells, which in turn allows deeper cleansing of the pores because products are able to penetrate deeper into you skin. Your face will have a healthier, even skin tone because of the increase in circulation, and it helps encourage faster cell turnover. That means wrinkles, scars, and spots have a harder time of establishing themselves, and you'll have softer, smoother skin!

The most common type of exfoliant is a manually activated kind - or in other words, a face scrub. The scrub will contain a granular substance that feels rough or grainy to the touch. The granuals can be made out of anything, like sugar, ground pumice, seeds, even coffee grounds! Of course every scrub will have a different kind of texture when applied to the face. Some may be rougher than others. If you have a sensitive skin type, try to avoid hard scrubs like pumice, and maybe opt out for something that disolves, like sugar.

The second most common type of exfoliant is chemically activated. These products contain natural enzymes and alpha hydroxy acids such as pineapple and papaya. They cause a chemical reaction on the skin, which gently releases dead and dry skin cells. These products are not the same as a "chemical peel" - which is a more intense method of removing the top layer of skin which chemicals, which is always done by professionals. Always be sure to read the ingredient list, and follow directions carefully in any case.

There are more intense methods of removing the top layer of skin, such as chemical peels and micro-dermabrasion to help remove deep scars, wrinkles, and even freckles. These will undoubtedly include a trip to your local dermatologist, and could even end up costing a pretty penny. Either way, no matter what you choose to do, exfoliating is a crucial step towards healthy skin, and always be sure to choose a product suited for your skin type.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Garden Update!

This morning I woke up and noticed that there were some new blooms in the garden! So I slipped on my shoes and grabbed the camera to go out and snap some pics of the pretty flowers. Along the way, I found some mushroom clusters growing along the fairy rings!! Not just a few, but a whole bunch actually!

After I cried over the mushrooms, I noticed that some of my lilies in the very front garden have started to bud! I cant wait to see what colour they are!

There are some beautiful iris's throughout the yard as well, a whole bunch of pretty vibrant purple ones along the front of the house, and some amazing yellow and purple ones hiding along a pathway!

After trekking around, I decided to pop into the veggie garden and take a look around. Lately I haven't been spending much time around that area because I feel so overwhelmed by all the weeds that have taken over, and I don't really know what to do about it! I guess I figure I'll just let it go this year, and then next year I'll start anew.

While I was looking around, I noticed that there was actually a row of veggies growing - a few rows - no, not just a few, quite a bit actually! It was just hard to distinguish them in amongst the weeds! Some of the radishes were actually ready to be pulled! So I started grabbing a few here and there, some are still going to need another week or so, but some were HUGE! All in all I was able to pick about 2-3 dozen radishes! Check it out:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New Tattoo!

My friend Lindsay and I have been talking for some time now about getting hummingbird tattoos together. Originally the plan was going to be her, me, her mom, and her sister all getting matching hummingbird tattoos, but only Lindsay and I followed through with it. Of course, if the other 2 wanted to still get theirs, they could later on. Either way, last December Lindsay and Mikey gave me a fantastic birthday gift and said that they would each split the cost of my hummingbird tattoo! This meant so much to me because I was currently not working, and didn't have a whole lot of money to spend - but I really wanted the tattoo.

The tattoo holds meaning to both Lindsay and I for different reasons, but is still a great symbol and reminder of our friendship. For myself, hummingbirds have always reminded me of my Grandpa Norm and Grandma Wilma. One year when I was younger, the family was over visiting them, and a hummingbird got into the house through the sliding door! It flew around and around and all together we tried to get it redirected out. Finally it found the open door, and got back outside. That year for Christmas, my mom and I found a handmade glass hummingbird ornament, which they hung in the same doorway that the bird came in from - I suppose it also doubled as a reminder to close the screen door! Every year after that, the glass hummingbird hung there.

Lindsay and I finally booked an appointment with an artist that we have both had work done by, the amazing Miles Kanne at Lucky Strike Tattoo in Edmonton. I have been getting tattooed by him since... 2006-ish I believe - HE IS SERIOUSLY AMAZING! He did both of the sugar skulls on my forearms, my mermaid, and now my hummingbird! He also did Lindsay's amazing Buddha!

Sugar skulls:



Here are some photos of the new tattoos!




Sunday, June 20, 2010

An introduction to skin care, Step One

Now that we have had some time to examine our skin types and conditions, we can make a customized skin care regimen for your personal needs. Skin care should take about 5 minutes out of your day, once in the morning, and once before bed. I will list everything in the order of application, how often to use each product, and why that product is going to benefit your skin.

Step One: Cleansing

Cleansers should be used once in the morning, and once at night - everyday. You may need to use your cleanser twice at night if you are wearing a heavy makeup application. And of course, a cleanser should always be chosen to suit your skin type. A lot of people I know just use soap and water to clean their face, you may be one of them. It's great that you are cleansing - but - if you want to take it to the next step and start treating some of the problems you are facing, you may want to consider switching.

When you use soap made for the body on your face, it is normally too alkaline and can actually strip away your natural acid mantel (the natural oil and moisture on your face). Once your natural moisture content is washed away, your face is going to feel tight and dry. Anyone with oily skin will know how great that can feel, (including myself) but what's actually happening is dehydration, and dehydrating your skin can cause fine lines and wrinkles! *GASP*

Not to mention, your skin is thinking "WOW, I am sooo dry! I'm going to make some more OIL (sebum) to make up for it!" - leading to more breakouts and blemishes! Isn't that what you were trying to avoid in the first place? When you use proper cleansers suited for your skin type, your natural acid mantel is not stripped away, however it does remove excess oil, makeup, dirt, and environmental toxins and pollution from the skin.

Normal/Oily/Combination: I know what you're thinking. You love that tight clean feeling after washing. How else will you know that your skin is actually clean? You may want to put down that bar of soap, and opt for an gel or foaming cleanser suited for an oily or combination skin type. Some are deep cleansing - without removing your essential acid mantel. Look for products that are oil free, that are non-comedogenic, and have naturally healing ingredients.

Normal/Mature/Dry: Look for a milk or cream cleanser suited for your needs. Many cream cleansers are formulated to keep more moisture in the skin which would be great for a mature or dry skin type. A basic, non-drying, non-oily milk type cleanser is great for a close to normal skin type. Look for products that are alcohol free, and have naturally rejuvenating and moisturizing ingredients.

Sensitive/Reactive: You can find gentle cleansers that are formulated as a basic soft face wash that wont leave your skin feeling tight or irritated - such as a gentle milk cleanser. Look for products with basic, natural ingredients, and state that they are for sensitive or reactive skin.

The biggest word of advice I can give anyone is to always read the ingredient labels, and make sure you know what you are putting onto your skin. Some ingredients may cause your skin to dry out or even clog pores. Steer clear of ingredients such as Mineral Oil and Sodium Lauryl/Laureth Sulfate, just a few among many others. If you are shopping for new products, and don't know what the ingredients listed are, write them down and look them up.

I suggest giving your current skin care lineup the third degree. Throw out all of your expired products - any active ingredients past their prime will not benefit your skin, and if the products contain natural ingredients, they may go rancid - ew. Write down each one of your products, then look up every ingredient. I know it sounds tedious, but write out all the pros and cons for each one. Is it worth putting on your face? Here is a skin care ingredient glossary, which can be very helpful.

After your skin care interrogation, you may feel overcome by a sense of power. YES, you ARE bigger than these bottles of cream and toner, and you can control the good and bad that goes on your face. Stay posted for Step Two!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

An introduction to skin care

I know this is a bit off the beaten path of gardening, but with my skin care education, I can't help myself! In 2007, I graduated from the Esthetic's program as Eveline Charles Academy in Edmonton. I worked at a small spa for a short time afterwards, but left that career because it wasn't paying for my rent. *hint* *hint* Of course I did services for friends on the side, and always give advice when I can because I don't want my education to be completely wasted! I even thought about writing a simple skin care booklet to sell, but still haven't had the muster to print it. But now, I have the urge again, and want to share some of my education and experience with you, for FREE!

Of course, not everything I write out is going to work for everyone, because we all have different and unique skin needs. Also, there is a lot more than just face product that will affect your skin... but we'll get to that later!

Normally when I talk to people about their skin care regimen, I'm surprised to hear how clueless they feel when it comes to what product they should use on their face. Not that it's their fault - Ive been there myself, and always thought that what I learned in school is what everyone else knew, and I was the only clueless one! But you're not alone! I've even heard people say"My Grandmother and Mom have great skin, so I'm sure mine will be too." well... Not exactly. Although you will have similar skin traits, you must keep in mind that our environment today is a lot harsher than it was even 20 years ago. We have to combat stronger toxins, harsher UV damage, and even more pollution. Many young people are now tanning at salons, smoking, drinking alcohol and coffee, and these are all culprits of negatively affecting the health of our skin.

That said, the #1 thing you want to keep in mind is Prevention, because when it comes to the health and vitality of your skin, prevention comes first.

Determining Skin Types and Conditions

A skin type is what you are born with, and never changes - with the exception of mature skin.
A skin condition can come and go at any age, for any length of time.

Determining your skin type and any current conditions can prove to be difficult - kind of sounds like a weather report! It's easy to get confused, and mix up a condition for a type and vise versa. When you're trying to identify the issues on your face, try to think if its always been that way, or has changed or appeared recently. That will help you determine if you're treating your skin condition, or type. But, both skin types and conditions are treatable, and can be controlled. (Confused yet?) I'm going to write out a few guidelines to help you determine what your skin type is, and figure out any conditions you may have.

Skin Types

Oily: Excess sebum (oil) production throughout the face, thick shiny skin, large pore size, prone to breakouts and clogged areas, minimal fine lines and wrinkles.

Normal: Sufficient moisture (oil and water), minimal breakouts and clogged areas, small to medium pore size.

Combination: Can have areas that are both oily and dry, large pore size in T-zone (forehead and nose, chin), this is the most common skin type.

Dry: Lacks sebum (oil) production, heightened sensitivity, fine lines and wrinkles, small pore size, skin appears thin and delicate.

Mature: Loose, thin, crepe like skin, wrinkles and deep lines, lacks elasticity and firmness, re-occurring dryness. Most people will eventually have a mature skin type, because our skin naturally looses elasticity, firmness and moisture as we age.

Sensitive/Reactive: Heightened sensitivity, causes red flushed look, and is most prevalent in fair skinned individuals. Sensitive to touch, temperature or even sun/Reactive to skin products and makeup, etc.

Skin Conditions

Rosacea: A vascular disorder, small capillaries become dilated and inflamed, skin becomes red and inflamed around nose, cheeks and chin. Rosacea can be accompanied by acne, small red bumps and couperose. It can appear between the ages of 30-40, and last for years more. It is normally most prevalent in woman and fair skinned individuals, and is aggravated by alcohol, spicy foods and extreme temperatures.

Acne: A Chronic inflammatory disorder of the sebaceous (oil producing) glands. Acne can occur when the hair follicles become plugged with sebum (oil), dead skin cells and bacteria. Acne is most common in preteens and teenagers, 10-19 years of age. Acne can cause blackheads, whiteheads, papules and pustules (Pimples and Zits)

Dehydration: A lack of moisture (water) in the skin. Shows superficial dryness, flakiness, scaliness, can be patchy and usually displays fine lines. Dehydration is normally caused by improper product use, lack of product use, and even environmental influences (seasonal change). Even and oily skin type can be dehydrated!

Couperose: Fine dilated capillaries, normally found on cheeks and nose. Usually cause by damage or trauma to the skin from harsh products, extreme temperature change, chemicals, and sun damage. Causes a persistent red flushed look on cheeks or small red lines around nose.

NOW, go examine your face for a few hours, and decide what skin type you are, and what kind of conditions you have, because my next blog will be about your skin care regimen for your skin type. If you are having a hard time determining what kind of skin you have, leave me a comment with your dilemma, and I will do my best to help you! I hope no one is upset about the change of scenery, I promise to post something about gardening soon! (I just need to get this out of my system!)

Thursday, June 17, 2010


By the age of five, I knew all the words to "Free Fallin" by Tom Petty and the Heart Breakers, from the album Full Moon Fever. It was my favorite album of all time... actually, it was probably the only album I had ever listened to in its entirety at that point in my life. I still remember the day my mom finally gave me her Full Moon Fever tape for me to keep and listen to whenever I wanted. I would listen to it in my room, and read the lyrics while I sang along to each song, and eventually learnt them by heart. Still to this day can sing along word for word to the entire album. I like to listen to the album start to finish, because it sounds strange to me if "Love is a Long Road" doesn't follow "I Won't Back Down", etc. etc.

Speaking of "I Won't Back Down"... There is a part in the course when I always thought he said my name... This is what I used to think he said: "Heeeey baby, there ain't no easy way out... Heeeey, Leane... I stand my ground, and I wont back down". Watch and listen:

Some years later, a school friend asked to borrow my Tom Petty tape... I reluctantly lent it out, and she returned it with the fold out insert ripped in half. Not that it was her fault - that thing had been folded and unfolded so many times, it was bound to happen eventually - but I was so upset, so I tried to tape it back together, but then it wouldn't fold properly, so I removed the tape and it took off some the the words from the paper... I got super frustrated and actually cried. It was at that moment, that I knew Tom Petty was something special to me. Throughout my high school years and moving around a lot, I eventually lost the tape, but never lost my memories of singing Free Fallin' with my mom as we drove around, or trying to play it on my guitar in music class.

A couple months ago, I heard on the radio that Tom Petty was coming to Edmonton, and brushed it off because I knew I wouldn't be able to afford tickets. I was just starting my new job, and I had a lot of bills to pay off. This month Mikey surprised me by buying tickets to the show and tried to keep it a secret... But he spilled the beans! Regardless, I was still surprised that he would do such a fantastic thing for me, I didn't even realize that he knew I loved Tom Petty that much! I was so excited to finally see the man who inspired me musically 20 years ago!

Seeing Tom Petty and the Heart Breakers live was a dream come true for me. He sounded amazing, and thoroughly thanked us for the applaud after each song. The band had great energy, and the crowd sang along to almost every song. I may or may not have cried when they played some songs off of the Full Moon Fever album, such as "Free Fallin", "Runnin' Down a Dream", and "I Won't Back Down". This also may or may not have been due to the fact that the entire coliseum became a huge hot box the minute Tom Petty set foot on stage! They of course played other big hits like "Last Dance with Mary-Jane", "Refugee", and "Don't Come Around Here No More". They also played a mini set from their brand new album which I haven't had a chance to listen to yet. All in all, I had an amazing time, thank you Mikey for taking me, and thank you Tom Petty for being such an amazing musician, and positively influencing my younger years or life! I will forever cherish these memories.

Monday, June 14, 2010

What do you think?

Ive added a few little trinkets along the left sidebar to make navigation easier around my blog! Included is a poll to find out what you want to see more of! Please take a look and make a vote if you like, I'd like to hear some feedback as well about what you want to read about, see more of, and what keeps you interested! This is my first blog, and I don't want to bore you all with the same-old boring weeds and grass. Maybe you want me to write more in depth blogs about my gardening experiences, troubles, and triumphs. Perhaps you would like a taste of some more photography to go along with the reading. Are there things I can suggest, or anything you need help with as a first timer as well? Lets figure it out, and both learn together! I'm open to all feedback, good or bad, and look forward to hearing what you all think! THANKS READERS!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Get some Green while keeping it Clean!

We all want to save a buck here and there, while doing our best to save the planet! Well, I've decided to make up a list of Ten things Mikey and I have done around our home to make it more Eco-friendly, and lessen the impact we make on our planet - as well as save us some money! Later on, I'm also going to make a list of things I still want to accomplish! Maybe you have done some of these in and around your home as well! If not, maybe make a wish list for yourself of things you could do in your home to lessen your own impact, and save a few dollars!

A typical household can save about $100-$200 a year in heating costs with a programmable thermostat, so how could you afford not to invest in one!! Our programmable thermostat allows us to have the heat automatically turn down or off when we are not home or sleeping, then automatically allow the house to warm up for when we wake up or come home from work. We have noticed a difference right away after installing ours. Our house came with the old mercury type which didn't seem very accurate to me - the furnace would constantly turn on and off, usually 3 times in a row until it took a rest before the house needed heating again. Now the furnace comes on once, and doesn't come back on until needed. Our heating bill from the winter was very comparable to the cost of heating our single wide mobile home that we previously lived in.

Second to the furnace, your hot water tank is another big heating cost. If you have a typical water storage heater like us, you will most likely benefit by using a water heater jacket or blanket. Usually made out of insulated foil, they can be purchased in a kit or you can buy the foil itself and cut it to fit and attach with tape. Don't know if you need one? Touch the side of your hot water tank. Is it warm? If yes, you should invest in a water heater jacket.

The pipe insulation was extremely cheap, and easy to install. Most of our pipework in the basement is exposed, and therefore could probably use some help to keep the heat going to the tap. Since installing both of these insulating items, I have noticed that the hot water heater doesn't kick in as often as before, the hot water comes out of the taps faster, and I was even able to turn the master temperature on the water tank down to factory setting - the water is still boiling hot! (I might just turn it down some more!)

We bought a conversion kit which allows you to turn any toilet into a dual flushing toilet, meaning you can have a half flush for smaller needs, or a full flush for larger ones. This way you don't need to waste a whole tank of water for something that really doesn't need it, which also means you'll be saving water and money in the long run. Remember, you still have to pay for the electricity to pump your water into your house if you're on a well system.

WOW, the new H.E. washer and dryer that we purchased have changed my opinion on doing the laundry! I can't say enough great stuff about the combo that we purchased, I have really fallen in love! The washer is super quiet, fast, and uses very little detergent and water. I actually use natural laundry detergent and vinegar (softener) in it, and it works awesome! During the days that I do have to use my dryer, the clothes are usually dry in about the same time washing a load of laundry, thanks the the amazing spin cycle of the frond load washer. Still, every time you let mother nature dry your clothes, you will also be helping save her. A clothes line or stand is a great investment considering it will pay for itself in a month or less - if you do laundry as often as I do - yet I still have to pop some items back into the dryer for an air fluff (no heat) to remove pet hair.

Click the link above to bring you to the blog I wrote up about rain barrels not too long ago. These were a great investment! One of the barrels waters one side of the garden and greenhouse, while the other waters the other side of the garden and veggies!

I will admit that ceiling fans are ugly as sin, but we did keep one in our kitchen to help bring up cool air from the basement when the house is hot from the sun. Using an Energy Star rated ceiling fan to redirect air in your home actually works great - if you use them right! When it's hot outside, we keep the fan on low to draw air up from the cool basement. We don't have an air conditioner, because so far we've found that this practice actually works quite well. With the correct insulation, keeping all the curtains closed to the sun during the day, and opening the North side and basement windows at night, we should have no trouble keeping our home cool when it gets hot outside buy just moving the air around properly. This summer will be the true test, and so far its been quite mild. But, on the few hot days we've had, I have successfully been able to keep the house cooler than outside by using my ceiling fan/window method.

Also, If you have high ceilings in your home, and find it hard to keep heating costs low in the winter, you can use ceiling fans to redirect the warm rising air back down into your living space.

I've never composted before in my life, and then I realized that all the food I was throwing away could have been turned into compost - and when you have a garden or even house plants, free compost is a money saver! Instead of throwing away my veggie and fruit cuttings into the garbage, I keep an old pot near the kitchen where I can easily toss the food until its brought outside and added to the compost bin. Now instead of filing up my garbage, I use less garbage bags, which equals less trips to the dump, which equals less time my vehicle is on the road. I watched a few videos to learn more about the how, what and why of composting. It's actually quite simple, and its hard to believe that I never did this before! I suggest that everyone start a compost pile, and watch these videos for great tips and tricks!

10. CFL's & LED's

After we moved in, we changed out every single possible light bulb with a CFL or halogen bulb, and invested in LED Christmas lights and Solar LED outdoor lighting. At first I was skeptical about buying LED Christmas lights because of the initial cost. But after buying cheap Christmas lights from Wal-Mart and having 10% of them burn out in the same year... the math only made sense. Same with the investment in the CFL's - not to mention the money and energy saved running them. I found some nice bright 23W soft light CFL's (equal to 60W incandescent bulb) that don't have a "wait" or "warm up time" when you switch them on, they work great! Our electrical bill is no more than a 2 bedroom apartment I used to live in, which has got to say something about the energy we are saving! Check out this little clip about CFL's vs. incandescent lighting.

Also, who doesn't want to light their patio or porch for practically nothing by using solar powered lights! Check out the solar lights we used on our front deck here!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Garden Photos

I meant to post a link to my facebook album with all of the garden photos in it... so HERE IT IS! Sorry for the delay! If you can't view it, please leave me a comment.

Monday, June 7, 2010

House Warming Success!!

WOW, I haven't written in a whole week! I guess I was so busy with the transition to full time hours at work, getting prepared for my BC guests to arrive, and getting everything together for the house warming that I didn't even think to write a blog!! But, all of that hard work really paid off, everything went to plan, and everyone had a lot of fun!

On Thursday June 3rd, we picked up my best friend Lindsay (we've known each other since high school) and her boyfriend Brydon at the airport! They flew out all the way from Vancouver just to see us and hang out for the housewarming! How nice! Then, we took them out for dinner to Jungle Jim's at West Edmonton Mall, and gave them a quick tour of the mall, and some of its attractions.

Mikey and I waiting for Lindsay and Brydon at the airport.

Brydon and Lindsay drinking Hurricanes at Jungle Jim's.

The Pirate Ship in WEM.

After the mall, we headed back to the airport to pick up Lindsay's sister Teri who also flew out from Vancouver to spend the weekend with us. When we got home, I introduced them to the Raving Rabbids game on the Wii, and we had a lot of fun just hanging out and reminiscing!

Teri and I hugging at the airport.

On Friday the 4th, we took everyone out to the farm to do some off road go-karting! We bought these go-karts last year, and they are so much fun! They can really go if you want them to! Our guests enjoyed spending time on the farm, getting lots of fresh air, and going for a nice country drive. Then we went to Drayton Valley afterwards for dinner, and last minute grocery shopping before the party Saturday.

Lindsay and Teri go karting, and the dog Colt.

Saturday the 5th was our housewarming! Here are some pics:

The spread! Lindsay, Teri and myself worked hard and made lots of food!

Sprucing the place up with some worm balloons!

Teri, Kerri, Keith and Dan hanging out in the front yard with the dog.

Mikey and Dan soaking up the sun while it lasted!

Lots of people showed up and stayed all night.

We ended up having a fire out back later on, and lots of our guests stayed late, and even stayed over for the night. We had a lot of fun, and were very thankful for everyone driving all the way out to visit. The food, weather, and company were all fantastic! So thanks all to came out to help us warm our house!