
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

R.I.P. seedlings...

The weather lately has been anywhere between +10 and +20 during the day, and can get down to zero at night (Celsius people). But, the greenhouse is reading +40! Oh Lord is it ever hot in there! I have my fan going full speed, and the doors open for readily airflow. Recently I transplanted my tomato and pepper sprouts into the pots I have set up in the greenhouse, but now I'm just a little worried that they are going to wilt (most already have) and then completely die. It's not looking promising tho.

Since its staying warm in there, I could probably throw some more seeds into the pots, and try again... Then I will just have to hope that it will stay warm enough later in the year to keep the plants alive and get some production. Worth a shot I suppose, because I'm not ready to give up yet. I just have to remember that it is only my first year, and I'm going to have these sort of learning experiences - But really, wouldn't you be sad to see the seedlings you started on your kitchen counter in March, and cared after, and took pictures of each day because they grew so fast, and changed so much (like your first child) suddenly die? I suppose it's my own fault for not hardening them off properly. Sometimes I just get super impatient, and don't want to walk them back and forth from the greenhouse every day for a week, and I just ended up pushing them into their fiery hell.

Sorry my little seedlings. I have failed you. Perhaps in the next life, I will come back as a tomato seed, and you will be a first time gardener like me, and you will get your victorious revenge. Till we meet again.

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