
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Allergies and Business Cards!

Each day that goes by, my allergies seem to be getting worse, stronger, and taking over more of my face! I never had seasonal allergies before last year, and when I got them for the first time, I thought I was just sick - I may as well be! My eyes were swollen, red, watering, and extremely itchy and irritated. My nose ran constantly, and all I wanted to do was sleep. I never once thought it was allergies until someone suggested it to me, and I tried some antihistamines. Viola! I was feeling much better, and everything cleared up for a few hours!

It didn't seem to last for more than a month last year, but since May has rolled around, it's definite that my spring time allergies are back! Bring on the Tissue!! As much as I don't like to rely on medication to make me feel better, I feel that I can't go 5 seconds without blowing my nose or scratching my eyeballs out unless I've taken an allergy pill. But maybe about a month or 2 ago, I read somewhere that you can take a tablespoon of local honey every morning to subdue your spring time allergy symptoms - naturally. I don't know if this is true, but it only makes sense in my mind. I'm still on the hunt for some local honey, and may not know if it really works until next year.

Yesterday was a nice day for me, although it was cloudy, cold and windy. I still went outside, touque and all, and raked the garden into rows. It was actually nice, because I could work up a sweat, then stand there in the cold breeze until I cooled down again. LOL! Only in Canada will you ever see someone gardening in a touque. Great things came in the mail yesterday too! I finally received my 50 free Moo business cards! Etsy and Moo teamed up with a limited time offer of free business cards - you only had to pay the shipping ($6) - as long as they could put their info on the front of the card! Here is what they look like (I blacked out the codes and some info):

The great thing about these cards is that you can have them completely customized with your artwork, logo, motto or quotes, and every card can be entirely different! How awesome is that!! You can also choose from other artists designs if you don't have any yourself. I personally didn't know what to use for my design, so I used Moo's text generator, and wrote out some words that I think of when I'm gardening (Love, Live, Give, Grow, Sow) and made each card a different colour! You even get to choose the type of paper you want - naturally I opted out for the "green" card which is 100% recycled and recyclable, has a natural feel and still looks fantastic!

All of my business info is on the back, and the print quality is amazing - especially for recycled paper! Because my cards were free, there is a small band along the bottom on the front that shows the Etsy and Moo logo, but also offers the business card recipient a coupon code to save 10% off of their first order of custom business cards (they print more than just business cards, btw). So if you are in the market for some new, unique and high quality business cards, let me know and I'll give you my card so you can save! I highly recommend their product - not to mention, shipping was crazy fast (I ordered the last week of April)!

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