
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Welcome July!

July is finally here, and we had FROST the morning of Canada Day! My beans and corn got a little whithered, but all in all they seem to be OK. During the days, it gets hot and sunny, then come evening, the dark clouds roll in from the west, and we get some thunder and lightening, strong winds, and normally quite a bit of rain. I don't mind really, because it's watering the garden, and any flowers that get blow over, I cut and bring in the house. Currently, it seems the garden is blooming like crazy, and I have tons of photos of everything -but I'll just share the exciting ones! Earlier in the spring, I planted 5 bleeding heart roots, and 4 of them actually grew! This one is already putting out little blooms:

There are tons of peonies in the garden, and they are all different colours and sizes! Some are small and deep pink, or huge and light pink, and white! They are right next to the raspberry bushes and there isn't a whole lot of room to walk around them... so I would prefer to move them, if I can. I also have a friend that actually wants to take some for her garden, so I'll have to look up how to divide peonies. If its anything like rhubarb, I'm set!

My friend Kerri gave Mikey and I some cute house warming gifts last month, and these planters were some of them! They are so funny and adorable! I was trying to think of something I could plant in them that could double as a hair style! A week or so ago I found a zip-lock back downstairs that had some leftover cat grass in it from the winter, how perfect I thought! When the grass first started growing, it looked like they had buzz cuts, now they have nice flowing mops!

The Tiger Lilies have started to bloom too! They are a beautiful deep dark orange!! So vibrant, and beautiful, I love them! There are some more Lily plants around the yard that are also getting ready to bloom!

In the Greenhouse, the Tomatoes are starting to bloom as well, but some of the leaves are also starting to whither! One day when I was at work last week, it got quite hot out, and I wasn't here to open the door for some air ventilation! usually on a sunny day, temperature get to 40-50+ degrees Celsius! I do constantly have the fans going in there, but I guess it wasn't enough that day. Either way, they are still growing like crazy, and look like they are doing fantastic!

Well, that's all the really exciting stuff for me, I do have lots of more photos online... If these links don't work, please leave me a comment, and I'll see if I can make them work for you!

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