
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Workout S.O.S.

I just wanted to share this little bit of info: While I was sifting around on the weight watchers website, they have a tool to calculate your your BMI and also talk about your ideal weight, and they mention something about a 10% goal.

According to weight watchers, my BMI is 35, which is considered obese:

"BMI Ranges: What they mean
Experts generally consider a BMI below 20 to be underweight and a BMI of 20 to 25 to be healthy. BMIs of 25 to 30 are generally considered overweight while a BMI over 30 is generally considered very overweight (obese)."

According to weight watchers, my ideal weight should be between 117 - 146 lbs! WHOA! That seems so little! I would literally have to loose at least 60 more pounds to be in that category! I can't even think of the last time I weighed 150lbs!

"Losing 10% of your body weight is not only the first big step toward your ultimate goal weight, but it can also reduce your risk for many diseases and increase your self-esteem."

I like this idea, because I feel that is what I am currently working on, and I have already seen the huge difference in my body - I haven't even lost a whole 10% yet either! I just need to keep going! When I still weighed 220, my 10% goal would be 22lbs! Currently I have lost 15 - so if I change my goal from 20 to 22, I have 7 more pounds to go!

I guess I'm just finding it difficult to get motivated, and that may also be because I feel so alone in this journey. I know that I have friends to turn to for support, but it's hard when I spend my days bored by myself, and I'm surrounded by yummy snacks at work.... I feel I need more motivation! I haven't been on the elliptical in forever.. *sigh*

I just realized that if I did join curves, I would have to buy work out clothing, and running shoes! It's just more money, and more money to loose weight! A friend online mentioned the Wii fit - I do have a Wii, so I could look into getting the Wii fit, might be a good idea for the winter! But again- more money! Maybe I'm just making excuses. What I should really do is just get my but over to Curves, and talk to them about it.

Another deterrent is that I have all of these other personal issues on my mind that I'm also trying to work out... Maybe I'm in a rut!? I NEED HELP!

All in all - I want to do this! I just need to get off my butt!


  1. I'm sorry that I've said I will do things with you and then bailed, doing things without kids is really difficult for me! Next week should be Lorne's last week of working up north, and then he plans to take some time off.
    Hopefully soon I'll be able to follow through with my broken promise of joining (and taking you to) Curves with you. It's not only because I say I will, it's because I want to drop some weight too (and I don't just mean the 53lbs that the kids weigh together)!

  2. I know Ash! I'm not blaming you in any way - I hope you know that. I would go myself, but we know I can't really at this point... I think what I'm trying to say is that this battle is a lot harder than I thought, especially because I only really have ME to depend on, and to motivate myself. It would be nice to have someone be there by my side (like a sig. other or whatever) to motivate me, and to even have a goal in that respect... but I know that this has to be for me, by me. Going to the gym with you will only make it easier! I hope we can figure out a way to make it work!
