
Friday, June 25, 2010

Garden Update!

This morning I woke up and noticed that there were some new blooms in the garden! So I slipped on my shoes and grabbed the camera to go out and snap some pics of the pretty flowers. Along the way, I found some mushroom clusters growing along the fairy rings!! Not just a few, but a whole bunch actually!

After I cried over the mushrooms, I noticed that some of my lilies in the very front garden have started to bud! I cant wait to see what colour they are!

There are some beautiful iris's throughout the yard as well, a whole bunch of pretty vibrant purple ones along the front of the house, and some amazing yellow and purple ones hiding along a pathway!

After trekking around, I decided to pop into the veggie garden and take a look around. Lately I haven't been spending much time around that area because I feel so overwhelmed by all the weeds that have taken over, and I don't really know what to do about it! I guess I figure I'll just let it go this year, and then next year I'll start anew.

While I was looking around, I noticed that there was actually a row of veggies growing - a few rows - no, not just a few, quite a bit actually! It was just hard to distinguish them in amongst the weeds! Some of the radishes were actually ready to be pulled! So I started grabbing a few here and there, some are still going to need another week or so, but some were HUGE! All in all I was able to pick about 2-3 dozen radishes! Check it out:


  1. Awesome! those look tastey! how are your tomatoes?

  2. Tomatoes are getting pretty big as well, but they haven't flowered yet. Now I know that I'll have to start them a bit earlier for next year.
